CNC Sheet Metal Burning: high precision, minimum defects
Because we have a professional CNC plasma cutting machine in our machine park, we can offer our customers individually tailored services of cutting sheet metal with the CNC method.
Entrust us with your materials and we will cut them to the shape you specify, ensuring accurate reproduction of the design and avoiding defects that are a common problem with traditional cutting techniques. More and more customers regularly use the Eco-Tech Group plasma cutting service. Join them if you want the highest quality of service!
What is the method of cutting sheet metal with a plasma cutter?
Cutting sheet metal with a CNC plasma burner is a modern method that uses the so-called plasma arc. This involves melting the metal in a narrow slot, where the cut is made with a highly concentrated plasma arc.
Because the arc has a very high kinetic and thermal energy, it not only melts the metal but also throws it out of the slot. The CNC method enables extremely precise cutting of sheet metal. Thanks to the CNC plasma cutting, there is also no need for additional finishing of the sheet edges.
The method of cutting metal sheetswith a plasma cutter
Cutting sheets with a CNC plasma burner is a modern method that, using a plasma arc, enables extremely precise cutting of sheets. Thanks to the CNC plasma cutting, there is also no need for additional finishing of the sheet edges.
CNC cutting of metal sheets should also be chosen by people who want to obtain many identically cut elements. The advantage of CNC plasma cutting is also a significant reduction in material losses, which reduces costs.
Equipment used forsheet metal cutting
We provide CNC plasma cutting services using professional equipment. It allows for the CNC cutting of sheets tailored to the individual needs of the customer. We take into account your requirements related to forming, profiling and bending of sheets.
Thanks to the fact that we use a modern machine, we can program a specific bending angle and avoid defects that often occur during the use of traditional cutting techniques.
When may you need a sheet metal plasma cutting service?
Plasma cutting can be performed on metals. This is possible due to their properties: metals are fusible and conduct electricity. It is worth remembering that the thinner the material, the greater the precision of the cut we can achieve. If you care about the effect of evenly cut metal, with a lot of complex details, without frayed edges at the point of cut, the CNC cutting method is the solution for you. It is also worth choosing because of the small amount of waste generated – for the customer it means lower material consumption and lower production costs.
CNC burning of sheets should also be chosen by people who care about obtaining many identically cut elements. This is important when you want to have full control of the production process and achieve consistent quality.